

Independent Film, TV, Audio Drama, Podcast & Theatre Production

“Manchester was a big part of my life for a long time, and I grew to love the kind of smart, committed, creative underground scene there. The MancMade people are today’s version, and a friend tipped me off about a project they had, called The Visit, which looked like it could be a real jewel, sharp, complex, and emotionally resonant, and I wanted to get involved, and I’m delighted they let me”

Lee Child

Exec-Producer, The Visit Film

The visit

IRA man Tommy McDaid is pulled back to Manchester 25 years after he helped plant a huge bomb that devastated the City Centre and changed the course of his life forever.

“The Visit started out with a great screenplay, a terrific cast and a committed crew – and even so, it came out better than I dared to hope.  It’s a tiny Swiss watch of a movie, jeweled with elegy, humanity, regret … and an unstated but powerful thread of hope.  I’m proud to have been involved.”

Lee Child, Executive-Producer The Visit.

Written and Produced by Paul Ludden.
Exec-Producer Lee Child.
Starring Cal MacAninch.
Directed by Jake Murray.
Run Time: 19.58

The Visit (2023) on IMDb


Men of a certain age will generally talk about anything rather than about their mental health.

Ben and Pete are no different.. Two middle aged mates on their first fishing trip without their friend Marko, whose recent, totally unexpected death was a huge shock to them both.

Even the crazy stories, dark humour and piss taking can’t stop them opening up in a way they never expected.

Written and Produced by Paul Ludden
Starring Kris Hitchen and Chris Hatherall
Directed by Christopher Deakin
Filming: August’24

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